We are a new Church Plant (began Sunday, September 18th, 2022) of The Anglican Diocese of the Living Word (ADLW), a Diocese of The Province of the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA).
The Venerable Michael J. McKinnon (a.k.a., “Fr. Michael”) was born and raised in New England. He earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in both World Religion and History from Central Connecticut State University in 1991 (New Britain, CT), a Diploma of Anglican Studies from Berkeley Divinity School at Yale in 1994 (New Haven, CT), a Master of Divinity Degree from Yale University in 1994 (New Haven, CT), a Master of Sacred Theology Degree from Nashotah House Seminary in 1997 (Nashotah, WI), and a Certificate of Advanced Pastoral Leadership from Trinity School for Ministry in 2023 (Ambridge, PA). Fr. Michael was ordained a Deacon on July 9, 1995 and a Priest on December 4, 1996.
Fr. Michael and his wife Christine married in 2002 and they have two beautiful daughters, Sarah and Rebecca.
Among other churches, Fr. Michael was honored to serve as Rector of Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Marlborough, MA for 18 years.
On Sunday, August 15, 2010 Fr. Michael was appointed an Archdeacon (typically, an Archdeacon represents the Diocesan Bishop within a particular region of his Diocese) and he continues to hold this title.
Community Service and Other Responsibilities: Fr. Michael proudly serves as Fire Chaplain for The Southern Pines Fire Department, as an active member of the Southern Pines Rotary Club, on the Board of a local Ministry serving women and children in need of emergency shelter, and as a member of the Faculty at and as Dean of Students of All Saints Christian Academy, Cameron, NC. He also serves on occasion with the local Food Pantry and Meals on Wheels.
“I believe it is a blessing in disguise that people no longer fill the churches just because the doors are open. It has forced us to leave our buildings and to go among the people, to bring Jesus into the culture and into the lives of people personally. The Church of the Advent is committed to making Jesus Christ known in the hearts and lives of people through worship in the Great Tradition, evangelism, discipleship, outreach, mission, and church planting.
Fr. Michael describes himself as an “evangelical Catholic” who is fully committed to “The Anglican Way." That is, to restore the Church in every age to the Faith and Order of the ancient Catholic Church under the authority and primacy of Holy Scripture as God's Living Word".
In addition to the above, Fr. Michael loves Christmas music (all year long), Elvis Presley, Classic Rock (especially, The DOORS), Star Trek (TOS) and other classic sci-fi shows.
Fr. Maynard (Bill) Knapp was born in Lake Orion, Michigan December 13, 1941, a few days after Pearl Harbor was attacked. He grew up on a large dairy farm in Peppin County, Wisconsin and attended the Roman Catholic Church. He grew up sharing the farm chores and tending the cattle, which he loved!
Bill lived as a nominal Christian for many years, attending the Roman Catholic Church. In 1973, however, he was invited to attend a men’s Cursillo weekend retreat, a lay-led ministry giving attendees tools and encouragement to live out their Christian faith. Bill knew prior to that weekend that his life needed a spiritual change, and that experience gave him the momentum to live out his faith daily.
Bill later moved to South Carolina and joined Ft. Motte Episcopal Church in St. Matthews. Several years later Fr. Jim Hines, Bill’s priest at Ft. Motte, sensed Bill was a candidate for ordained ministry. During the discernment process with Bishop Salmon and the Diocese of SC, Bill struggled with his ministry call; his heart was willing, but he felt he lacked the skills seminary would require, and he was already 49 years old!
In 1992, Bill met Linda, and they married in 1993, shortly after his call to seminary had been affirmed by the Diocese of South Carolina. He began his studies at Trinity School for Ministry (Now Trinity Anglican Seminary) in the fall of 1993 and received his Master of Divinity degree in the spring of 1997. He was ordained a deacon in June at his home church in Ft. Motte, SC. He was ordained to the priesthood six months later by Bishop Keith Ackerman and served in the Diocese of Quincy, Illinois until his retirement in October of 2009.
Following his retirement he and Linda moved to North Carolina to be closer to family. There were no ACNA churches nearby, so they prayed for an ACNA Church to be established in the area. In the meanwhile, he served two small Methodist congregations in Troy, NC for nine years; then retired the second time.
Fr. Michael McKinnon, a priest who had served in the Diocese of Quincy with Bill, was called to plant an Anglican Church in nearby Southern Pines, North Carolina. Neither had been in touch with each other since Fr. Michael left the Diocese of Quincy. Fr. Bill called Fr. Michael and welcomed him to the area; he and Linda immediately joined him in the planting of The Church of the Advent.
Two Services for Ash Wednesday, March 5th, the first day of our Lenten journey together, will be offered at The Church of the Advent: 12:30 p.m. (Said Holy Eucharist with the Imposition of Ashes) and 6:00 p.m. (Solemn High Mass with the Imposition of Ashes).